Devon Attractions Re-open as Restrictions Start to Lift | Devon's Top Attractions Devon's Top Attraction latest news

Devon Attractions Re-open as Restrictions Start to Lift

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Devon’s Top Attractions are delighted to announce following the Government announcement and further lifting of Covid-19 restrictions  that some of our attractions are starting to re-open their doors and preparations are well underway at other attractions ready for opening on 4th July or soon after.

The safety of our visitors and the attractions staff is our main concern and all of the attractions will continue to adhere to Government guidelines and will all have the strict safety measures in place and will be using the appropriate essential safety equipment.  The attractions are implementing new protocols and procedures and it is important that before visiting any of the attractions that visitors will be fully aware of their new operating procedures and of the safety measures in place. It is highly advisable to check on the attractions own websites before venturing out.

Visit England are about to launch a Covid quality mark, once this launches our members will be able to get accredited and add further confidence for their visitors.

The attractions may have implemented new changes and the visitor experience may be slightly different and we would like our visitors to be fully aware there may be changes in the following areas.

Limiting visitor numbers, changes to opening times, changes to Members/Season ticket holders, mandatory pre-booking, contactless payments, and cash may not be accepted. Inside spaces may remain closed. Social distancing at 1 metre apart. Regular hand sanitising required; temperature’s may be taken on entry.

Staying safe is everyone’s responsibility and the general public are asked to not visit if they have any symptoms, are in a high-risk category, self-isolating or if anyone you have been in contact with has symptoms of Covid-19.

Attraction already open

Bicton Park  – Is now open – Only the grounds opened in May just for members only but now day tickets available to all.

Blackpool Sands – Reopened 24th May car parks, takeaway counter and toilets all reopen.

Wildwood Escot – Is now open – Opened 15th June for members and from 16th June open to all.

Exeter Cathedral – The Cathedral is now re-open for private Prayer and Reflection in the nave only.  Monday – Saturday: 10.00 – 16.00. Sundays: Closed for Private Prayer and Reflection as public worship is resuming inside the Cathedral from Sunday July 5th. All tourist/group visits are suspended until further notice.

Killerton House  –  The car park, garden and parkland is open, prebooking and timed slots. No confirmation on when the house will be reopen.


Opening w/c 29th June 2020

Big Sheep – Reopening w/c 29th June and then slowly roll out the new remodelled attraction from the 4th July.

Castle Drogo NT –  The garden and toilets reopen on 29th June, pre-booking only in advance. No other details.


Opening from 4th July

Babbacombe Model Village  –  Reopening 4th July. Pre-book an arrival slot online and pay at the gate.

Becky Falls – Working towards re-opening on 4th July.

Clovelly Re-opening of village and Red Lion for takeaway, visitor centre, café and gift shop open from  4th July subject to Government guidelines.

Pennywell Farm – Re-opening on 4th July. Initially offering morning and afternoon sessions, booking online only to control numbers.

Seaton Tramway –Reopening on 4th July.

Stuart Line Cruises – Reopening 4th July – with all measures in place.

River Dart Country Park –  Re-opening 4th July now confirmed

Lundy Island – Opening for staying visitors on the 4th July and anticipate day trips starting on the 14th July but waiting for this to be confirmed.

Canonteign FallsRe-opening 4th July now confirmed


Opening after 4th July

Exmoor Zoo –  Re-opening 5th July. Will not be able to do talks or encounter sessions and only takeaway food. Subject to change if restrictions lift further.

Crealy Theme Park & Resort  –  Partial re-open 6th July of the Resort, the theme park will reopen from 6th July to day visitors.

Woodland Family Theme Park – Working towards re-opening on the 6th July but still awaiting confirmation.

Buckfast Abbey – Abbey Church open for private prayer at reduced times, no groups or services. No date confirmed for further opening of the site.

Bygones – Reopening 11th July, usual opening times, Café will remain closed, reduced capacity and one way system.

Kents Cavern – Re-opening 11th July limiting to 10 people per tour, pre-booking only.

Diggerland –   Re-opening 11th July now confirmed

The Milky Way Adventure ParkReopening 11th and 12th July and going forward (based on demand) will decide on open every day again which is likely to be from 15th – 16th July

World of Country Life – Phased re-opening from 13th July Mon-Thurs.

Devon Railway Centre –  Re-opening 15th July now confirmed


Reopening dates not confirmed

Dartington Crystal – No confirmed date for reopening.

Seaton Jurassic  – No confirmed date but anticipated beginning of August.

The Donkey Sanctuary – No date yet confirmed.

Morwellham Quay  –  No reopening details confirmed.

Pecorama – No reopening dates confirmed.

Quince Honey Farm – Shop re-open no date confirmed for reopening.

South Devon Railway – Looking at hopefully re-opening the 13-acre site at Buckfastleigh soon in late July with a number of facilities available, including the Dartmoor Otters & Buckfast Butterflies centre.  And a return to possible railway operations in August but still have to resolve a number of issues first to see if it can be done and is financially viable

Watermouth CastleNo confirmed date for reopening .


Read more here from our Chairman – Devon’s Top Attractions Gives Cautious Welcome to Government Lifting On Lockdown Restrictions