Events in Devon | Devon's Top Attractions
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The Christmas lights turn-on is a magical time at Clovelly.

Starting at 4 pm, a local brass band leads the procession down to the harbour with festive carols sung along the way.

A hog roast, grog and other refreshments are available at the harbour and Lifeboat Station.  Then Father Christmas will make a surprise visit.

At 5 pm the switch is thrown and the entire village and harbour are lit up. It’s a fantastic sight and there’s a grand finale of fireworks to finish off.

Entrance fee:  £10 per car at the Visitor Centre after 3 pm.  All proceeds to the RNLI

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Other Upcoming Events

Clovelly Maritime and Lifeboat Weekend

Lifeboat Weekend, in aid of the R.N.LI.

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Clovelly Gig Regatta

Gig Regatta

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