Isaac the donkey, a key member of the Palm Sunday procession
5th April
Palm Sunday
09.45 The Liturgy of Palms and Procession followed by Choral Eucharist,
and the reading of the Matthew Passion
Monday 6th, Tuesday 7th, and Wednesday 8th April at 19.30
Address and Compline
6th: Scarlatti – Stabat Mater
Performed by the Cathedral Consort
7th: Lord, let me know mine end
– C. H. H. Parry
Sung by the St Peter’s Singers
8th: The Lamentations – Thomas Tallis
Sung by the Lay Vicars and Choral Scholars
9th April
Maundy Thursday
10.30 Diocesan Chrism Eucharist
19.30 The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
10th April
Good Friday
10.00 Ecumenical service
and Walk of Witness
13.30 The Good Friday Liturgy
19.30 Stainer Crucifixion
12th April
Easter Sunday
06.00 The Easter Liturgy including the First Eucharist of Easter
08.00 Holy Communion (BCP)
10.00 Choral Eucharist
11.45 Choral Matins
16.00 Choral Evensong and Procession
13th April
Easter Monday
10.30 Solemn Eucharist
15.00 Choral Evensong