October Half Term Activities at Wildwood Escot
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Enjoy Halloween with the people who invented it!

The Witch is Back!

Join us this October Half Term when the Saxon Village will once again fall under the spell of the infamous Witch of Wildwood.

We’ll be dunking for apples, toasting yummy marshmallows, carving pumpkins and making magic runes to keep the evil at bay. *

For those of you brave enough, the Witch of Wildwood may grant you an audience. Help her cast a spell and you may yet survive to tell the tale.


Please note: The Village will be open daily from 10am except on Wednesday 24th when it will open from 12:30 following a group booking. 


In Anglo-Saxon times October, known as Winterfylleth, marked the beginning of winter. “Fylleth” refers to the full moon and winter began on the first full moon of that month.

​At this time of year, the days become darker and colder and trees shed their leaves. Animals are sold or slaughtered. Food is stocked and houses are prepared for the long winter ahead.

Not everyone in the community would be expected to survive. It was the end of plenty and the beginning of scarcity; the end of the realm of the living and the opening to the realm of the dead.

It is at this time that the worlds of the living and the dead are closer than ever. October 31st was the Pagan festival of Samhain or Halloween.

The Village will be open from 10am to 3:30pm – ask staff about times to visit the Witch!

*Activities may vary. Some activities will entail a small charge for time and materials.

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